Wednesday, May 16, 2012


It was 1982.
Tijuana, Mexico.
I was 3 Years Old.
She decided to put me on a donkey.

I look at this picture and it makes me laugh out loud.
My Mom likes animals about as much as I do.
My Mom isn't one to prop her child up on a live donkey without being firmly attached....after all, she didn't let me ditch the water wings until I was well past the age of 12. 
And, hey....we're in Tijuana, Mexico...not exactly the most vacationed spot in the world!
I have a feeling my Dad is behind the camera and my Mom is grabbing a moment with her two little girls....little girls that think its fantastic to hang out with a live donkey.

She's taught me a lot over the years. 

She's been my most avid encourager, my strongest cheerleader, my biggest fan and my best friend.

(Nearing the end of my 1st and only marathon here....I'm pretty sure my Mom burned more calories than me during this almost 5-hour run.  If you could press play on the picture above, you'd see a woman that looked like she was jumping on a pogo stick, you'd hear her cheering as if she thought I was close to actually being in 1st place for the race and your heart would flutter, 'cause you'd feel the love for her daughter)

I am so entirely lucky to call her my Mom. 

On Sunday, Mother's day was just a little different.

It felt amazing.
It was one of those weekends that just feels "right".  It felt complete and it was full of joy and love.  I went to bed on Sunday and could only feel lucky.
For celebrating Moms and Daughters.  For celebrating Grandmas.  For celebrating Family.

I hope Maya looks back one day and sees the joy she brought to me. 
I hope we have a photo of her little chubby legs propped up on some random animal and she realizes....that I, just like my Mom, wanted her to have memories..simple moments that brought me joy and that brought her joy too.

For now, we'll steer clear of the animals, but will keep loving these kind of weekends.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Birthdays are such a milestone. 
It's that formal acknowledgement of that very special day that some mama, somewhere, celebrated a miracle happening in this world.  She had her breath taken away as she looked at this tiny little baby and realized, 'this one is mine' hold, to hug, to kiss, to teach, to learn from, to snuggle....and to love and be loved. 

And, every day forward, that day will be imprinted into that mama's mind as "the day".

We hit a milestone last week.  Maya's first half-a-year-birthday. 
Some might think it was just a little crazy and a little over the top to celebrate, but I couldn't wait to show her how fun her parents really are!  I also realized how I want to celebrate  getting closer to 'that day' that my heart fell in love with someone that I had never met.

6 Balloons.
A half-a-cake.
Lots and LOTS of rounds of singing, "Happy Birthday"!

A morning ride around her new size 3 diapers.

A beautiful warm evening walk.
A finale (and bittersweet ending) to "the perfect candlelit bath" that took place every night on our kitchen island....our hardwood floors were at risk of warping and Dan and I didn't want to have to wear ponchos, so we've had to make a transition.

Trying sweet potatoes for the first time.  These sweet potatoes are her Lays Potato Chips.  She couldn't just eat one bite.  Or two....but the whole container seemed to do.

And, a weekend visit to Maya's favorite little people.  Two cousins who know she's not as "fragile" as she once was...they've found their groove with making her smile, holding her just right and tickling her.  Love is in the air when these three are together.

The celebration continues...of the simple moments of each day....and each month...and for the 'latter half' of her half-a-year. 
Loving this moment indeed.