Monday, April 30, 2012

Better than I imagined.

Everyone asks....."So, how is parenthood?"

I always have the same theme in my response...."It's SO much better than I ever imagined".
I truly mean it.
I had some fear that we would be "tied down" and that we "wouldn't have a life" and that "we'd lose our sense of adventure and fun". 

People even told me while I was pregnant, "Make sure you go out to dinner and go to a movie before she's will be years before you do that again!"
It sounded a little gloom and doom.

I can't believe I was nervous. 
My heart has never been so full of joy and love.

We seek out and experience adventure and fun and joy and memorable milestones each day.
No more baby laying in her tub relaxing.....she likes to sit up and splash.

No more baby sitting in her car seat in her stroller.....she now sits in her stroller by herself.
Loving the simple moment....its all better than I could have imagined.

Friday, April 20, 2012

You are my Sunshine

I've always loved that song.  I've never thought about the meaning of the little tune.

"You are my Sunshine.  My only Sunshine."

"You make me happy....when skies are grey."

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you."

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

This girl is going to know this song.

I sing it every morning when we get in the car together. 
As we're backing out of the driveway, I start singing.  Sometimes, I sing it four times before we arrive at her daycare.  Sometimes, I mix it up and sing it loud...sometimes quietly...sometimes, I end up humming the tune to her long after the words have been sung. 
Regardless, she hears it and she knows.

She knows....she's added sunshine to our world.
Smiles, serious looks and little laughs. 
She is our sunshine!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

16 Eggs

Last year, we broke the news.
We told Brooke first.
She was going to be a big cousin.
She agreed to put the "I'm going to be a big cousin" t-shirt on after I told her and walk out of the bedroom to see what her Mom would say.  I prepped her.  I told her that I think her Mom might be a shocked.  She innocently asked, "What does shocked mean?"

As Brooke walked out of the bedroom proudly wearing her new shirt, Heather glanced at the shirt and moments later, Brooke learned what the word 'shocked' means.  Crazy, excited, happy, joyful squeals!

Easter....One Year Later.

A year later, I'm determined. 
Determined more than ever to make holidays a much anticipated experience.  I want Maya to  be so, so, so excited about them that she'll ask to make a paper-chain-countdown 6 months before the holiday rolls around.  
I want to celebrate them, cherish them, capture them and make memories that we look back on with joy, laughter and fun.  I have a feeling I'll be buying stock in the construction paper company for those paper chains.

I want to make each day special and make it feel like a holiday everyday, so when you add a true holiday to the mix, it feels like a double dose of accountability to make sure this happens. 
I've always loved holidays and loved trying to make them special, but it was more because I was trying a new recipe, buying a new outfit to kickoff spring or the holidays, or finding a gift that I thought someone would enjoy.
Creating memorable moments was for us.  It was fun, it was looked forward to and there certainly was always joy, fun and meaning. 
A new memory making reason has rolled in that turned 5 months old just before the holiday.

The Eve before Easter, we had a slumber party with the 3 cousins, complete with homemade pizzas, chocolate chip cookies and a few rounds of the Bunny Hokey Pokey. 

Learning to play checkers.....

One day, these three will be in a big bathtub together.  For now, its a little more of a spectator sport.

We were so excited and grateful to have both Dan and my family at our home for Easter.  The day started off with sunshine streaming in the windows, 3 excited little girls joining us in our bed, and much anticipation of preparing the Easter Brunch. 
Pure Joy in my book.

Brunch was set for noon. 
Everyone was coming over around 11am. 
I was going to be prepared, going to have my hair curled, my Easter outfit on, the candles lit, the homemade cinnamon rolls baking, the appetizer coming out of the oven 'just as our guests arrived' and the table 'just perfect'.
But, a moment that was more important, more meaningful, more memorable for the future changed this.
16 eggs needed to be cracked.

These two little hands were in charge of cracking 16 eggs. 
One at a time.
Sometimes, they would just crack a little and we would watch the white of the egg slooooooooowly escape.  Then the yolk would even more sloooooooooooowly come trickling out.
I knew it was a moment.  To breathe.  To share.  To be just as excited as she was about helping make Easter Brunch.  To celebrate that she cracked 16 eggs.
At 11:37 am, our guests had all arrived and I was kneading cinnamon rolls with my partner in crime.

I was still in my pajamas.
I hadn't brushed my teeth and there were definitely not curls in my hair.
I could feel my anticipation....a little bit of dread creeping in....a little frustration taking over.....a bit of regret that I didn't prepare more ahead of time....a moment when I "wished I had quickly done it all myself". 
I learned something.
Nobody will remember whether we ate at noon or at 1pm.  Nobody will remember whether I had a sweatshirt on when they arrived or my Easter best.  Nobody will wonder what I was doing rather than making sure the asparagus tart was done to be served in sync with the Spring Mimosas. 
But She'll remember.  She proudly shared with everyone at the Easter table, "I cracked Sixxxxteeeeeeeen Eggs!!" 
A moment.
A memory.

(Note my Dad and Maya's faces.....must be the look of patience of watching 16 eggs being cracked!)

I didn't realize the learning until later.  Life isn't about hurrying through to get things done.  Its about loving the moment, loving THIS moment. 

There were 20 tulips on the table and 11 of the most important people in our lives gathered around that table.
We laughed, we clinked glasses, we prayed and thanked God for sunshine and rainbows and for the great fortune of having us all together.
The day ended with a hunt.  Looking and seeking and cheering when we found eggs.

I found myself looking and seeking the perfect Easter Brunch, but truly feeling grateful about finding a different outcome and yet feeling that outcome was a better one.

Sometimes, what is not perfect is perfectly perfect.

Friday, April 6, 2012

You got the whole world in your hands

I am amazed.
I never knew how much a parent would want and dream for their child.
I want her to know....The world is waiting for her.

When my Mom and Dad use to say, "You can do anything you want to!", I didn't know how much they really, really believed it.  I may have had doubts or insecurities of whether I was good enough, strong enough, smart enough, creative enough or anything enough. 
They never doubted.
I get it now.

I want her to know.
She's good enough.  Smart enough. Strong enough.  Creative enough.  You are enough.
The world is yours to explore, to challenge, to create, to love.
The "doubters" on the outside, or the doubts inside of you one day.....give 'em a run for their money. 
This great big world is ready for you, Maya Leigh, and what a gift it is to travel with you on this journey of life! 

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."