Friday, April 20, 2012

You are my Sunshine

I've always loved that song.  I've never thought about the meaning of the little tune.

"You are my Sunshine.  My only Sunshine."

"You make me happy....when skies are grey."

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you."

"Please don't take my sunshine away."

This girl is going to know this song.

I sing it every morning when we get in the car together. 
As we're backing out of the driveway, I start singing.  Sometimes, I sing it four times before we arrive at her daycare.  Sometimes, I mix it up and sing it loud...sometimes quietly...sometimes, I end up humming the tune to her long after the words have been sung. 
Regardless, she hears it and she knows.

She knows....she's added sunshine to our world.
Smiles, serious looks and little laughs. 
She is our sunshine!

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