Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Reflecting on the Moments of "The Eve"

I LOVE Christmas Eve. 

Growing up, I didn't really know that Christmas Day was a special day too. 
It was all about Christmas Eve. 

From the moment we woke up on Christmas Eve, it was the countdown to get to the moment where those gifts would be passed out and you'd see, "The Pile."....Your pile of colorfully wrapped gifts that had "Julie" written in cursive in the "To:" spot. 

While the pile was fun, I remember the feelings of Christmas Eve....
warm and cozy
surrounded by family
excitement in the air
joy in everyone's faces
love in our hearts
the smell of Mom's homemade dinner (the dinner that I would inhale as fast as I possibly could to get a little closer to the "main event")
the together time of washing dishes (I prayed that we'd use the dishwasher, but we painstakingly washed and dried each Christmas plate by hand)
the Christmas tree radiating its pretty lights and decorations from past Christmases
......and the "feeling".

The "feeling" that life was good.  Christmas was a gift.  And we were fortunate.

I still love Christmas Eve and look forward to making each one special, unique and focused on the simple moments of gratitude. Traditions are in the making....and memories are ready to be created!

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