Sunday, January 1, 2012

A First...on the First.

2012 is going to a year of firsts. 

We will be wowed, we'll be excited, we'll be confused and we're going to have to have bucket-loads-of-fun. 

We don't know what to expect, but we know that the first smile we saw was like winning the lottery. The firsts are going to be moments we'll savor.

Tonight held a few firsts for Dan and I.

The first time driving our car.... with just the two of us....nobody in the backseat.
The first time out to dinner together in the last 8.5 weeks....just the two of us.
The first time that someone other than one of us took care of Maya.

Shawn, Heather, Brooke and Jada helped us to create this special first...we are SO grateful!

The venue for this celebratory occasion? 
Nothing fancy, but perfect for this evening of firsts!

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