Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Leopards out on the town

I got some new kicks this week.
They're a little crazy for my ordinary style.

But, I realized that when I'm adventuring around with such a stylin side-kick, I better forgo the herbergers-on-sale-plus-a-coupon-4-year-old basic black flats and opt for a little leopard in my life. 

Our first stop in our leopard day took us to the local post office to mail my Grandma her Christmas gift....I know its a little late, but I sent her wine and chocolates.  Pretty sure Grandma will have a glass and never think about the fact it was 11 days after the big holiday.  Its probably closer to being a Martin Luther King Day present, but I opted for the traditional belated Christmas wishes.

Just as I was leaving with Miss Leopard in hand, I saw something that made me so excited, I turned right around in my tracks to make another purchase!  I love the forever stamps, but think the flags are so boring.  While patriotic and so-American, it just feels ordinary. 

Feeling a little risque with the crazy shoes on called for a purchase of these...time for a little Celebrate in my life! 

Who wouldn't be excited about getting a greeting with this attached!

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