Thursday, January 19, 2012

The fortune

The week before Maya was born, Dan and I went out to dinner for one of our last "just the two of us" nights out.  We were wrapping up almost licking our plates from a delicious meal when 2 fortune cookies arrived.  I love fortune cookies and 99.999% believe in their accuracy (for at least 5 minutes after reading them).  I actually do get a little anxious over choosing one when two cookies are put before us, as I want to make sure I choose the right one.  There have been a few times I've asked for another fortune cookie, not so much to eat the crunchy little cookie, but to have a redo on my future.

This night, though, no redo was needed. 
I had a few butterflies when I read it.

Wow, what a fortune.  I already feel truly fortunate for the life experiences, opportunities and memories that I've been fortunate to have in my life.  I would already consider that I've had the very best of the very best times in my life. 

The anticipation it could get better makes me almost giddy.

Perhaps this little Scorpio is part of that little plan....the plan for even more of the best times of our lives.

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