Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year...New You!

I am in love with making New Years Resolutions.

It makes me giddy to think of a new challenge to focus on, a new opportunity to conquer or a new hobby to attempt. I love writing them down and I love pondering how I'll start on them.
I love starting new things.

Pretty sure I have about 9 cross-stitch projects that are sitting in plastic boxes at my parents house....each were started right around January 2nd. I was thrilled to hop in the Pontiac 6000 with my Mom to travel to Joann Fabrics to pick out the new canvas, all of the different color thread, the plastic organizer for the thread, the new pattern and even the new roll of masking tape to keep the edges from fraying.
I loved putting that first stitch in......and by about January 16th, I was done. Packed it all up in the perfect plastic organizer and put it on a shelf in the basement. I didn't want to attempt another stitch.

I've come to be at peace with this sincere love for starting anything new and then quickly moving on to something else. In fact, I'm already at peace that I am completely head-over-heals in love with the idea of this blog and know that it may come to a screeching halt before Valentines Day rolls around, but for now, I'm loving capturing the simple moment!

Tonight, someone had a reservation at "The Cosgrove Spa". Maya loves going to the spa...she takes after her mom.

The first time we gave her a bath, we had to have the vacuum cleaner running during the entire bath, just to keep her from screaming. Looking back, we realize that was when I was starving her....I would have screamed too.

These days, her Burt's Bees baby spa bath is calm, relaxed and she loves it.
Tonight, as I was lifting her out of the tub, I heard Dan gasp.

"WHAT?!?!!" , I shrieked.

"LOOK." is all I heard.


Maya is making a resolution this year.
We're starting "Buns of Steel" tomorrow.

I also made New Years Resolutions...and I'm going to work really hard at them this year. I also think that putting them out so publicly just might be the kick I need to keep them.

1. Become a better writer, hence the kick-off of a blog. I now have an outlet to try this writing thing.

2. Become a better picture-taker, being able to capture special moments.


3. Get back in shape....the adidas are calling to be laced up again.

4. FOG.

I made up this acronym when I finalized the 'ol resolutions earlier this week. I think an acronym always makes things more fun. FOG = Focus On the Good.

While I believe I'm a fairly optimistic person, I want to focus on maximizing the positivity in my life, seeking the good in situations that might not be going the way I'd hoped and finding the joy in everyday life. I want to be really, really good at focusing on the good.

I told Dan if he hears me talking about what is wrong with a person/a situation/an experience, that I want his help by simply saying, "FOG". I don't know if I'll regret that I told him about it....I thought a little accountability might help. I'm also hoping I'm not going to have to revoke his FOG-saying-privileges before I make progress.

As the year goes on, I know I'll continue to add more....I'm all about targets, goals, new adventures...and all about starting new journeys! Cheers to the new year and the new starts!

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